Why did you become a writer?
Because I always had my head in a book as a kid, and figured out pretty young that fictional worlds were often much more fun than real ones! A job that let me hang out with the imaginary friends in my head seemed like a great fit for a perpetual daydreamer.
Where can I find your books?
If you’re in Australia, you should be able to find them anywhere – check with your local bookstore or library (I’m always happy for my books to be borrowed from a library!). They are also available as eBooks, wherever you buy or borrow those.
What else have you written?
Lots of stuff! I’ve published short stories in literary magazines and anthologies, and have written a few books for kids, including the Barkly Mansion series with illustrator Adele K Thomas.

I sometimes get to work on fun little projects, like this Sci-Fi short story, Calculating Apple Pie. You can read or listen to the podcast of it here.

Can I write fanfic or draw fanart based on your work?
Absolutely! I LOVE seeing artwork!
Are your books available in languages other than English?
Yep, there are quite a few translations of my work – check out these gorgeous covers. They’re available via the usual local retailers, libraries and eBook suppliers.

What advice would you give someone who wants to be a writer?
Read everything you can and take note of what you love and what doesn’t work for you. Don’t be worried about starting small – not every idea needs to be a novel! Short stories, flash fiction, fan fiction – whatever gets words down on paper and lets you practise finding your style and voice.
Are you on social media?
Yes-ish. I do lurk on various platforms, but I’m not always super active – mostly because the life of a writer involves a lot of hanging out in sweat pants in front of a laptop, which is not exactly riveting content! If you’d like to see photos of what I’m reading, and lots of pictures of my dog, check out my Instagram.
Dogs or cats?
Love all animals, but I have to say dogs, only because I’m SUPER allergic to cats. I will still pat one if it crosses my path, but will also probably regret it immediately.